”In a time when large-scale production has been relocated far from its city and country of origin, designers have responded by forming small, tightly knit units around specific skill sets, knowledge of materials and traditions within design.
With Örnsbergsauktionen – Swedish for the Örnsberg Auction – we’ve created a platform for the design objects and projects sprung from these unique units. Our designers’ fields of progression and specialization come to bear in their projects, which bypass the commercial – and often inhibiting – demands of mass production.
Örnsbergsauktionen is a self-organized project that opens up the process between idea and finished product and reduces the distance between designer and client. The works all have in common that they are the results of studio production without close connection to producers. They are the projects and voices that are realized in smaller cycles, in terms both of time and economy, as well as of volume.”
This is the printed catalogue of the 2014 installment of the ÖA auction.
The catalogue includes amazing work by the following designers:
Anna Nordström, Anna Tascha Larsson, Carina Seth Andersson, Fredrik Ingemansson, Fredrik Paulsen, Gustaf Nordenskiöld, Helen Carlson, Hilda Hellström, Johanna Friedman, Kakan Hermansson, Karolina K Eriksson, Katja Pettersson, Kristoffer Sundin, Lagombra, Lars Stensö, Lex Pott, Lukas Wegwerth, Maria E Harrysson, Maria Kristofersson, Marjan van Aubel, Mats Theselius, Nathalie Du Pasquier, Nick Ross, Per B Sundberg, Peter Shire, Pål Rodenius, Sara Lundkvist, Silo Studio, Simon Klenell, Sophia Lithell, Stina Löfgren, Sundin/Persson, Uglycute, Åsa Jungnelius